Procurement Resources

Here you can access the Public Procurement Procedures Handbook, Standard Bidding Documents and SBDs Guidance Notes.

Public Procurement Procedures Handbook

The Handbook on Public Procurement Procedures is a significant step forward in Government procurement in Belize. Developed by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, the Handbook is a major element for an efficient and transparent public procurement system in the context of the Public Financial Management (PFM) modernization initiatives. It is also central to providing equal business opportunities to all eligible competitors.

The Guidelines on Government Procurement Procedures for the Public Sector constitute Part I of the Public Procurement Procedures Handbook (PPPH), Volume I. It is intended as a reference tool to guide public officials in standardised procurement practice in ensuring compliance with the Laws of Belize and the application of procurement international best practices. In addition to the procedural guidance and instructions on the many aspects of procurement and contracting, the Handbook includes in its volume II model documentation related to competition processes and contracts – called Standard Bidding Documents – along with Guidance Notes for SBDs usage. These two sets of documentation are treated as separate subject topics on the Portal Homepage.

Link here: HanbookPartIPublicSector

The Guidelines on Government Tendering for the Private Sector constitute Part II of the Public Procurement Procedures Handbook (PPPH), Volume I. Specifically tailored to the business community – including micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) – these guidelines provide a general and easy reference on the procurement process and how to successfully address public markets.

Link here: HanbookPartIIPrivateSector

Procurement-related terms used in the Public Procurement Procedures Handbook shall have the meaning as indicated in this Glossary of Terms applicable to both Part I and Part II of the Handbook.

Link here: HandbookGlossaryofTerms

Standard Bidding Document Templates

Bidding documents are the most important element in the procurement process. The content, detail and complexity of each bidding document will vary with the size and nature of the item(s) procured and the procurement method selected.

To promote transparency and efficiency of procurement practice, the below bidding documents are standardized templates suggested to be used across all Procuring Entities in Belize. Moreover, since these documents are templates, the procuring entity must modify its contents to suit the nature and requirements for the procurement they are conducting.

The use of the Request for Quotations (RFQ) Standard Bidding Document is suggested for all procurement of Goods through the Limited/Selective Tendering procedure (also called Shopping procedure), with an estimated value between BZD 1,000 – 20,000, when the procurement is financed by public funds. The document’s purpose is to provide all the information a Bidder needs to prepare and submit a Tender.

Link here: AnnexISBDShoppingGoods

The use of the Request for Quotations (RFQ) Standard Bidding Document is suggested for all procurement of Minor Works through a Limited/Selective Tendering procedure (also called Shopping procedure), with an estimated value between BZD 1,000 – 20,000, when the procurement is financed by public funds. The standard document’s purpose is to provide all the information a Bidder needs to prepare and submit a Tender.

Link here: AnnexIISBDShoppingMinorWorks

This Standard Bidding Document (SBD) is suggested to be used for the procurement of Goods with an estimated value of more than BZD 20,000, under the Open Tendering procedure, when the procurement is financed by public funds. It shall also be used for the procurement of General Support Services. The document’s purpose is to provide all the information a Bidder needs to prepare and submit a Tender.

Link here: AnnexIIISBDOpenTenderingGoods


This Standard Bidding Document (SBD) is suggested to be used for the procurement of Small Works with an estimated value of more than BZD 20,000, under the Open Tendering procedure, when the procurement is financed by public funds. It shall also be used for the procurement of General Support Services. The document’s purpose is to provide all the information a Bidder needs to prepare and submit a Tender.

Link here: AnnexIVOpenTenderingSmallWorks


This Standard Bidding Document (SBD) is suggested to be used for the procurement of Large Works with an estimated value of more than BZD 20,000, under the Open Tendering procedure, when the procurement is financed by public funds. It shall also be used for the procurement of General Support Services. The document’s purpose is to provide all the information a Bidder needs to prepare and submit a Tender.

Link here: AnnexVOpenTenderingLargeWorks


This Standard Bidding Document (SBD) for the Request for Proposals (RFP) is suggested to be used in the procurement of Consulting Services (Firms) when financed by public funds, to enable Procuring Entities to select the best qualified Consulting Firms. This standard RFP can be used for either time-based or lump sum procurement and can also be used and adapted for International Competitive Bidding (ICB).

Link here: AnnexVIRequestforProposals

SBDs Guidance Notes

When using any of the Standard Bidding Documents (SBDs), whether for the procurement of goods, works or services, it is important to understand how the information is provided and how to fill in every document included in each bidding document set: some parts of the SBD documentation are intended to be used unchanged. In contrast, certain other parts contain slots where information particular to each procurement shall be included.

The purpose of these Guidance Notes is to provide additional assistance to the Procuring entities on the preparation of Standard Bidding Documents for the procurement of Goods, Works or Consulting Services under the shopping, open tender, or Request for Proposals, to reflect the key procurement principles and practices embodied in the Public Procurement Procedures Handbook. Therefore, the Guidance Notes supplement the numerous Instructions and examples found throughout the Standard Bidding Documents by specifically noting key points in each or main sections of the bidding documents.